Sudoku solver

This Sudoku solver will calculate all possible solutions to any given combination of numbers.

  1. Enter all known numbers into the grid. Use the mouse, tab or arrow keys to move the cursor. Cursor will automatically move to next box when a number is entered. Backspace or delete will erase a number.
  2. Click to calculate all missing numbers. Then check out the statistics.
  3. Copy the link to share this unique Sudoku combination.
  4. Click to stop, clear the grid and start over.
Johan Beronius,,, 2009
Numbers are not valid. At least 18 numbers must be set with no duplicates in a line, row or region.
 fixed numbers set.
Solutions found:
Unsolvable combinations encountered:
Iterations run:
Solved by excluding numbers:
Solved by excluding positions:
Solved by guessing and branching:
Processing time:
This combination of numbers is not a valid solvable Sudoku.